The Society holds regular meetings on the third Sunday of September, October, November, January, February and April. There are seasonal events and a yearly shell auction scheduled in other months. The membership year extends from June 1 through May 31.
Meetings are located at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 306 E. 15th Street unless changed for special occasions. Those occasions will be announced in The Epitonium.
Announcements and Calendar
April 27, 2025
- HCS Meeting
31, 2025 - HCS Banquet 12:00-2:00 at Monument Inn Restaurant
July 7-12, 2025
- COA Convention in Corpus Christi, Texas
September 21, 2025 - HCS Meeting
The Epitonium
is published prior to each meeting August through May and is
an official publication of the Houston Conchology Society.
Items of interest concerning shells and
shelling are welcome for publication.
Credit will be given to contributors when
known unless anonymity is requested.
Permission is granted for reprinting articles, provided
credit is given to
The Epitonium,
the writer, and the Houston Conchology Society and a copy of the
reprint is sent to the editor of the newsletter.

In 1958 a few Houston shellers met as a study group. The first organizational meeting was in May of 1959. Meetings were in members’ homes about three times a year. By 1964 they had become the Conchology Group of the Houston Outdoor Nature Club. In September of that year they were meeting nine times a year at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, and the first newsletter was published. After several monthly issues, the newsletter became the Texas Conchologist and contained both general club information and scientific articles. In January, 1969, members voted to withdraw from the Outdoor Nature Club and become the Houston Conchology Society, Inc. The HCS adopted Epitonium angulatum (Say, 1830) as its official seashell in 1978 (featured on the Society's logo), and the Texas Conchologist became a quarterly scientific publication. The Texas Conchologist ceased publication in December, 2004. A general newsletter (now titled The Epitonium) was initiated to inform members about meetings, field trips, etc. and was published prior to each meeting. In 1991 the club voted to award a five-hundred dollar grant to a deserving malacology student. This "one time" grant became the annual Dr. Harold W. Harry Memorial Award in 1995. This grant is now funded by HCS and is known as the Houston Conchology Society Grant. In the fall of 1999 HCS members established the Constance E. Boone Grants to Malacology. 1994 saw the HCS hosting the 60th annual meeting of the American Malacological Union (now American Malacological Society). A second national convention was hosted by HCS when the Conchologists of America held the 2000 convention in Houston. In May 2003 HCS hosted the Texas Shellers' Jamboree.
Officers for 2024-2025
President: David Green
Vice President: Tina Petway
Treasurer: Angie Haneiko
Recording Secretary: Lisa Alderman
Corresponding Secretary: Jerry Clampit
Last updated 2/21/2025